Open Mon-Sat 9am to 7pm | call on +33 6 09 03 35 38 or WhatsApp
Southern France Surveys can assist you with a fair evaluation of your property. Typically, we receive requests to assist in the following cases:
- Family situations: divorce or inheritance
- Mortgage approvals: acting on behalf of private individuals or banks
- Independent appraisal for the purchase, sale, or exchange of a property
Other situations in which we offer valuation services include:
- Wealth management for individuals
- Estate sharing, donation-sharing
- Exit from community, joint ownership
- Preferential allocation
- Expropriation
- Property dismemberment & long-term valuation
- Annual accounts
Banking expertise/Loan expertise
- Mortgage guarantees
- Adjudication, upset price in the case of a forced sale.
- Tax declarations
- Declaration of inheritance
- Declaration for the solidarity tax on wealth (IFI : Impôt sur Fortune Immobilière)
- Commercial leases
- Determination of the market rental value
- Setting the renewal rent
- Determination of the eviction indemnity
- Study of local commercial factors
- Right to lease & no door
- Market research