Guide Prices

Fees vary according to the property location and living area. Guide prices are given below. Contact us directly for a quote.

Fees for structural property surveys & reports

For a residential property, the fees are based on :

  • the habitable area of the house,
  • the total floor surfaces,
  • the number & size of the outbuildings (barns, swimming pool, pool house, gites, etc).
  • and the location of the property.

For a verbal report the fees are usually between €300 and €700 plus 20% VAT.
For a standard building survey report the fees will start at €500 plus 20% VAT up to €3,000 plus VAT.
For exceptional buildings (château, large commercial or offices buildings) the fees may exceed €4,000.

Fees for Property Valuations

Prices start at €800 plus 20% VAT up to €1,500.

Fees for Building Pathology

Prices start at €800 plus 20% VAT up to €1,500.

Fees for Dispute Resolution

On an hourly basis – contact us to discuss your specific situation.

Further reading